Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API written in Kotlin


Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API, work in progress.fully written in Kotlin


:white_check_mark: Kotlin: Yes, fully written in Kotlin(~96%). :scream: :heart:
:white_check_mark: Clean architecture: The whole project is based on uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.
:white_check_mark: Configuration change: Handles configuration changes
:white_check_mark: Material Design: Not a fully Material Design App, but I am trying my best.
:white_check_mark: Some custom views: Progress bar, navigation view, arcView, dialog...
:white_check_mark: Usage of libraries:

BaseMVP - for MVP architecture
Dagger 2 - for dependency injection
RxJava 2, RxAndroid 2 - for data manipulation
Architecture components - ViewModel and LifeCycle
Glide - for image loading
Gson - for serialization and deserialization
Retrofit - for HTTP requests
Room - for data persistence (Not implemented yet)
Leak canary - for memory leak detection
Logger - for simple logging

TODO list:

:white_large_square: Adding/removing favourite shot
:white_large_square: User profile screen
:white_large_square: Data base for offline usage
:white_large_square: Fonts
:white_large_square: Endless scroll
:white_large_square: Design improvements
:white_large_square: Add unit tests & integration tests
:white_large_square: More features using Dribbble API
