Shows the shadow of the image by it's palette color


This library shows the shadow of the image by it's palette color.


To add shadow in your imageview and color of the shadow will be according to pallete color in your image as well as other properties to handle shadow radius , color , offset and also shape of the image. you can grab this library using your Gradle file.


dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
1.Few ScreenShots
Shadow Corner Radius Shadow Offset


<!-- <a> circular progressbar xml</a> -->

xml attributes

Xml attribute Description
app:paletteOffsetX represents the offset of the shadow in the x direction
app:paletteOffsetY represents the offset of the shadow in the y direction
app:paletteSrc represents a picture resource
app:paletteRoundRadius Indicates the corner radius
app:paletteShadowRadius Indicates shadow blurring
app:paletteShadowColor Indicate the color of the shadow


PaletteShadowView paletteShadowView = findViewById(;
      paletteShadowView.setShadowOffest(10, 10);

Public Methods

Method Description
Public void setShadowColor(int color) Represents the color of the custom settings control shadow
public void setRoundedRadius(int radius) Represents the corner of image
public void setShadowOffest(int offsetX, int offsetY) Represents the offset of the shadow in the x and y direction
public void setShadowRadius(int radius) Indicates shadow blurring
Public int[] getVibrantColor() Represents an array of colors to get the Vibrant theme; assuming that the color array is arry, arry[0] is the color used by the recommended title, arry[1] is the color used by the recommended body, and arry[2] is the recommended The color used for the background. Colors are for recommendations only, you can choose
Public int[] getDarkVibrantColor() Represents an array of colors for obtaining the DarkVibrant theme. The meaning of the array element is the same as above
Public int[] getLightVibrantColor() Represents the color array of the LightVibrant theme. The meaning of the array element is the same as above
Public int[] getMutedColor() Represents the color array of the Muted theme. The meaning of the array element is the same as above.
Public int[] getDarkMutedColor() Represents the color array of the DarkMuted theme. The meaning of the array element is the same as above.
Public int[] getLightMutedColor() Represents the color array of the LightMuted theme. The meaning of the array element is the same as above
public void setVibrantColor() set the vibrant theme as the shadow color , remember it may be null.
public void setDarkVibrantColor() set the DarkVibrant theme as the shadow color , remember it may be null.
public void setLightVibrantColor() set the LightVibrant theme as the shadow color , remember it may be null.
public void setMutedColor() set the Muted theme as the shadow color , remember it may be null.
public void setDarkMutedColor() set the DarkMuted theme as the shadow color , remember it may be null.
public void setLightMutedColor() set the LightMuted theme as the shadow color , remember it may be null.
