Screenshot Composables and convert to Bitmap or ImageBitmap on user action or periodically

Compose ScreenshotBox

Screenshot Composables and convert into Bitmap on user action or periodically.

Single Shot Periodic

Gradle Setup

To get a Git project into your build:

  • Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
  repositories {
      maven { url '' }
  • Step 2. Add the dependency

	dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.SmartToolFactory:Compose-Screenshot:Tag'


Single Shot

Create a ScreenshotBox which covers your Composables you want to take screenshot of

ScreenshotBox(screenshotState = screenshotState) {
        modifier = Modifier
            .border(2.dp, Color.Green)
    ) {

            bitmap = ImageBitmap.imageResource(
            contentDescription = null,
            modifier = Modifier
                // This is for displaying different ratio, optional
                .aspectRatio(4f / 3),
            contentScale = ContentScale.Crop

        Text(text = "Counter: $counter")
        Slider(value = progress, onValueChange = { progress = it })

Provide a ScreenshotState which stores Bitmap

val screenshotState = rememberScreenshotState()

and take screenshot by clicking a button or calling screenshotState.capture()

    onClick = { 
) { 
    Text(text = "Take Screenshot")

And get Bitmap or ImageBitmap as

screenshotState.imageBitmap?.let {
        modifier = Modifier
        bitmap = it,
        contentDescription = null

initially Bitmap is null because onGloballyPositioned might not return correct coordinates or sometimes it returns zero width or height, nullable makes sure that you get the latest one after calling screenshotState.capture()

Periodic Shot

Collect screenshotState.liveScreenshotFlow to get periodic screenshots of your composables with

LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        screenshotState.liveScreenshotFlow.onEach {
            imageBitmap = it.asImageBitmap()


Set a delay after each shot by setting delayInMillis

 * Create a State of screenshot of composable that is used with that is kept on each recomposition.
 * @param delayInMillis delay before each screenshot if [liveScreenshotFlow] is collected.
fun rememberScreenshotState(delayInMillis: Long = 20) = remember {

 * State of screenshot of composable that is used with.
 * @param timeInMillis delay before each screenshot if [liveScreenshotFlow] is collected.
class ScreenshotState internal constructor(
    private val timeInMillis: Long = 20
) {
    internal var callback: (() -> Bitmap?)? = null

    private val bitmapState = mutableStateOf(callback?.invoke())

     * Captures current state of Composables inside [ScreenshotBox]
    fun capture() {
        bitmapState.value = callback?.invoke()

    val liveScreenshotFlow = flow {
        while (true) {
            val bmp = callback?.invoke()
            bmp?.let {

    val bitmap: Bitmap?
        get() = bitmapState.value

    val imageBitmap: ImageBitmap?
        get() = bitmap?.asImageBitmap()


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