Relax . Notex . SecretConfession Android app


Relax . Notex . Secret Confession Android app

Calmo helps you escape the world and focus more on some me time.

We have “focus mode” so you can escape this virtual world and concentrate more on your work the ambient sound helps in increasing concentration also good for sleep and meditation.The focus mode also shows quotes on top to make you stay motivated for your goals.

//{Feeling low no worries we have our “radio” playlist to vibe with your mood.}//–TODO

We also have introduced a feature for people open up to the world our “secret confession ” here you can open up and share anything you want without feeling insecure about people judging you as it is completely anonymous no login or any data is taken by the application so feel free to try it.

Then we have our notes section where you can open heartedly write down your mind and soul.Totally offline storage so no worries of leak or any privacy concerns.

Never feel alone…





  • Anonymous Secrets Confession
  • No privacy concerns
  • Modern Architectre
  • Music/Relax
  • Clean UI
  • Notes

Tech Used

  • RecyclerView : To present the list of different items in the app we used the efficient recyclerview.
  • LiveData & Room Database : We are also using LiveData to update & observe any changes in List Items.
  • Firebase Realtime Databse : Secrets are being stored in Firebase Realtime Database
  • MediaPlayer : MediaPlayer is being used to play white noises in the app.
  • Fragments : Major part of the app is being handeled by fragments.
  • Jetpack : Major navigation in the app is handeled by Jetpack library.




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