Reason about resource-safety in the same way you reason about Structured Concurrency with SuspendApp

Module suspendapp


When building applications that require graceful shutdown it typically requires us to write a bunch of platform specific code. This library aims to solve that problem leveraging for Kotlin MPP using KotlinX Coroutines, and Structured Concurrency.

Currently supported targets:

  • JVM
  • MacOsX64 & MacosArm64
  • NodeJS
  • Windows (MingwX64)
  • Linux

Gradle setup

dependencies {

Running and testing apps

Just ./gradlew build the project, and launch the created binaries as shown in the sections belows.

If you see App Started! Waiting until asked to shutdown. try pressing ctrl+C to signal interruption (SIGINT) to the process. You can also use ps -ax to find the PID and call kill PID to send a SIGTERM event to the process.

import arrow.continuations.SuspendApp
import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException
import kotlinx.coroutines.NonCancellable
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext

fun main() = SuspendApp {
  try {
    println("App Started!  Waiting until asked to shutdown.")
    while (true) {
  } catch (e: CancellationException) {
    println("Cleaning up App... will take 10 seconds...")
    withContext(NonCancellable) { delay(10_000) }
    println("Done cleaning up. Will release app to exit")

Node App

./gradlew build
node build/js/packages/YourAppName/kotlin/YourAppName.js

App Started! Waiting until asked to shutdown.
^CClosing resources..................... Done!

Native App

./gradlew build

App Started! Waiting until asked to shutdown.
^CClosing resources..................... Done!


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