Pling: A mobile project management application
What is Pling ?
Pling is a mobile project management application. This application was developed as part of the “Embedded Interface Programming” course. Pling should include all the necessary and minimal features for planning a project, such as creating a project, adding tasks and monitoring progress.
• CHAUMULON Cassandra
• Register and unregister a user,
• Authenticate a user,
• Delete your account,
• Create / edit / delete a project: a project consists of a title, a description, an end date, a list of tasks and a team,
• Add a task to a project (create / edit / delete): a task has a title, a description, a start date, an end date and the person to whom it has been assigned,
• Filter project tasks by their status: a task has 4 possible states: to do, in progress or completed,
• Make users who have an account collaborate: search for a user and add them to a project or task,
• Monitor the progress of each project: reporting screen with graphs and/or percentage of progress, but also counters for ongoing and completed tasks,
• Search for projects or tasks via a search bar,
• See the tasks planned for a given day: all tasks of the day, across all projects, are displayed,
• Get notifications in the app when a user has added or removed us from a task or project,
• Adapt the language of the application (English by default, or French),
• Have a dark mode of the application,
• Manage your account: change your password or email address,
• Manage a team on a project: add and delete users.