New Relic Kotlin Instrumentation for Kotlin Coroutine
New Relic Kotlin Instrumentation for Kotlin Coroutine. It successfully handles thread changes in suspend states.
1- Update the context of your coroutine by using new relic coroutine context elements
suspend fun <T> withMdcContext(
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T,
): T {
val txn = NewRelic.getAgent().transaction
val token = txn.token
return withContext(
MDCContext() + NewRelicTransaction(txn) + NewRelicToken(token),
) {
return@withContext try {
} finally {
@Trace(dispatcher = true)
suspend fun testEndpoint() = withMdcContext {
2- Add segment to trace specific block of the code
override suspend fun findAll(): List<Any> =
withNewRelicSegment("findAll", "Couchbase", "yourDb") {
val query =
"SELECT * FROM yourDb"