Material icon picker dialog for Android
Icon picker dialog
A fully customizable icon picker dialog that provides easy access to a load of quality icons without having to include them in your probject. Icons used by this library are all part of the Material Design Icons set, made by Google as well as several contributors. The picker include a default set of 988 icons as of 1.0.1 but custom icons can be added. Some additional icons released on MDI can also be added in new versions.
All icons are SVG files from which only the path was kept, which allow for a very small size. Adding this library to your app should result in a 220kB total increase in size: 130kB from the icons, 30kB from each language of the labels and 60kB from the code itself. Performance should not be a problem on most phones, and drawables are cached.
Gradle dependency
compile 'com.maltaisn:icondialog:1.1.0'
All documentation and examples on usage and customization available on the wiki.
This library is only available in English and in French for now. If you make a translation please send a pull request. Translating the whole library actually takes between 3 to 5 hours, for more information, visit the wiki page Translating.