Make time selections in Android by typing them


As you type or remove digits, number keys and the "OK" button are enabled or disabled to prevent you from setting invalid times. The time separator (e.g. ":") character is dynamically formatted into the correct position.

Available as an alert dialog, a bottom sheet dialog, and as a plain View.

Sample App

The sample app demos some built-in themes. You can also dynamically customize your own theme with a
limited color palette.

Source code


allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.philliphsu:numberpadtimepicker:1.1.1'


Use as Dialog

Implement the interface.

// The TimePicker returned in this callback is a dummy object. It is not
// the actual NumberPadTimePicker used by this library.
public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) {
    // Do something with the time chosen by the user

Obtain an instance of NumberPadTimePickerDialog or BottomSheetNumberPadTimePickerDialog.
You may pass in an optional style resource to use as the dialog's theme. Alternatively, you can
theme the dialog programmatically after you've obtained an instance. See Themes and Styles for a
guide to styling the dialog.

NumberPadTimePickerDialog dialog = new NumberPadTimePickerDialog(
    context,, listener, is24HourMode);

BottomSheetNumberPadTimePickerDialog dialog = new BottomSheetNumberPadTimePickerDialog(
    context,, listener, is24HourMode);

If you want to use the dialog in a DialogFragment, use the support library's See the Pickers guide for more information.

Use as View

Using NumberPadTimePicker as a View requires more care to ensure it is sized appropriately
in your layouts. As of version 1.1.0, NumberPadTimePicker is not optimized for small screen
heights (for example, in landscape). If you are affected by this, you'll need to account for this
in a way that is appropriate for your use case.

Add a NumberPadTimePicker to your layout like any other View. However, by itself, it is not
very useful as a widget for time input.

Define an OK Button

For a NumberPadTimePicker to actually be useful for time input, you need to define an "OK"
button somewhere in your screen. For example, this can be a View in your layout or a
MenuItem in your app bar.

For your convenience, this library provides ready-to-use "OK" buttons you can add to the
NumberPadTimePicker instead of defining your own. These are the same buttons that are used
in the dialogs.

In your XML layout, specify the nptp_numberPadTimePickerLayout attribute on your
NumberPadTimePicker with one of these values:

Table 1. Values for the nptp_numberPadTimePickerLayout attribute
Value Description
standalone The default value. No additional views will be added to the NumberPadTimePicker.
alert Adds alert-style action buttons ("Cancel", "OK") to the NumberPadTimePicker.
bottomSheet Adds a FloatingActionButton to the NumberPadTimePicker.
    app:nptp_numberPadTimePickerLayout=["standalone" | "alert" | "bottomSheet"]

Register OK Button Callbacks

View okButton = ...

NumberPadTimePicker timePicker = ...
timePicker.setOkButtonCallbacks(new NumberPadTimePicker.OkButtonCallbacks() {
    public void onOkButtonEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        // If you are using the provided OK buttons, you do not need to do anything.

    public void onOkButtonClick(NumberPadTimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) {
        // Do something with the time chosen by the user

// If you are using the provided OK buttons, you do not need to set this.
okButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        timePicker.confirmTimeSelection();  // Calls your onOkButtonClick() callback

If you are using the alert layout, you may also want to set a click listener on the provided
cancel button:

timePicker.setCancelButtonClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        // Respond to cancel click 

Themes and Styles

This section describes how to style the NumberPadTimePicker view, which is used in the dialogs
and is available to use in your own layouts.

You can style the view in XML or in code.

NumberPadTimePickerDialog, BottomSheetNumberPadTimePickerDialog, and the
NumberPadTimePicker view all have a method called getThemer(). This returns an object allowing
you to theme the time picker in code by chaining setters.

There are two return types to be aware of: NumberPadTimePickerThemer and

The following table lists styleable attributes available in all layouts. These correspond
to setters in NumberPadTimePickerThemer.

Table 2. Common styleable attributes

Attribute Description
nptp_numberPadTimePickerLayout Determines the presence and appearance of additional dialog buttons. See Table 1 for possible values.
nptp_inputTimeTextColor Text color for the inputted time in the header.
nptp_inputAmPmTextColor Text color for the inputted AM/PM in the header.
nptp_backspaceTint Tint to apply to the backspace icon. This should be a color state list with enabled and disabled states.
nptp_numberKeysTextColor Text color for the number keys. This should be a color state list with enabled and disabled states.
nptp_altKeysTextColor Text color for the "AM"/"PM" keys in 12-hour mode or the ":00"/":30" keys in 24-hour mode. This should be a color state list with enabled and disabled states.
nptp_headerBackground Background of the header containing the inputted time and AM/PM. This can be a color or a drawable.
nptp_divider Divider separating the header from the number pad. This can be a color or a drawable.
nptp_numberPadBackground Background of the number pad. This can be a color or a drawable.
nptp_is24HourMode Whether the number pad should use 24-hour mode.

The following table lists styleable attributes available only for the bottomSheet layout.
These correspond to setters in BottomSheetNumberPadTimePickerThemer.

Table 3. Bottom sheet styleable attributes

Attribute Description
nptp_fabBackgroundColor Background color of the FloatingActionButton. This should be a color state list with enabled and disabled states.
nptp_animateFabBackgroundColor Whether the FloatingActionButton should transition between its enabled and disabled colors. Does not apply if nptp_showFab is set to validTime.
nptp_fabRippleColor Ripple color of the FloatingActionButton when pressed.
nptp_animateFabIn Whether the FloatingActionButton should animate onto the screen when the dialog is shown. Does not apply if nptp_showFab is set to validTime.
nptp_showFab Indicates when the FloatingActionButton should be shown. Either always or validTime.
nptp_backspaceLocation Location of the backspace key. Either header or footer.
nptp_fabIconTint Tint to apply to the icon in the FloatingActionButton. This should be a color state list with enabled and disabled states.

If you are using NumberPadTimePicker in your own layouts, you may find it convenient to specify
one of the following styles. These styles adjust layout_width and layout_height for multiple
size qualifiers.

  • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerStandaloneStyle_FillHeight
  • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerStandaloneStyle_ExactHeight
  • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerAlertStyle_FillHeight
  • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerAlertStyle_ExactHeight
  • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerBottomSheetStyle_FillHeight
  • NPTP_NumberPadTimePickerBottomSheetStyle_ExactHeight

You can create a theme for a dialog or Activity that uses NumberPadTimePicker.

Create a style resource using the attributes in Table 2 and Table 3. There are default
style resources that you may inherit from:

  • NPTP_Base_NumberPadTimePickerStandaloneStyle
  • NPTP_Base_NumberPadTimePickerAlertStyle
  • NPTP_Base_NumberPadTimePickerBottomSheetStyle

Set this style resource in your theme using the nptp_numberPadTimePickerStyle attribute.

<style name="MyNptpAlertStyle" parent="NPTP_Base_NumberPadTimePickerAlertStyle">

<style name="MyNptpAlertDialogTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Dialog.Alert">
    <item name="nptp_numberPadTimePickerStyle">@style/MyNptpAlertStyle</item>

<style name="MyNptpBottomSheetStyle" parent="NPTP_Base_NumberPadTimePickerBottomSheetStyle">

<style name="MyNptpBottomSheetDialogTheme" parent="Theme.Design.BottomSheetDialog">
    <item name="nptp_numberPadTimePickerStyle">@style/MyNptpBottomSheetStyle</item>

Obtain an instance of the dialog as described in Use as Dialog. If you don't want to pass
the theme to the dialog's constructor, you can instead specify it in your Activity's theme.

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
    <item name="nptp_numberPadTimePickerAlertDialogTheme">@style/MyNptpAlertDialogTheme</item>
    <item name="nptp_numberPadTimePickerBottomSheetDialogTheme">@style/MyNptpBottomSheetDialogTheme</item>
