Ktor API Key Authentication Provider
Ktor API Key Authentication Provider
Simple authentication provider for Ktor that verifies presence of the API key in the header. Useful if you want to use X-Api-Key
similar approaches for request authentication.
Include following in your build.gradle.kts
implementation("dev.forst", "ktor-api-key", "1.0.0")
This is minimal implementation of the Ktor app that uses API Key authentication:
* Minimal Ktor application with API Key authentication.
fun Application.minimalExample() {
// key that will be used to authenticate requests
val expectedApiKey = "this-is-expected-key"
// principal for the app
data class AppPrincipal(val key: String) : Principal
// now we install authentication feature
install(Authentication) {
// and then api key provider
apiKey {
// set function that is used to verify request
validate { keyFromHeader ->
.takeIf { it == expectedApiKey }
?.let { AppPrincipal(it) }
routing {
authenticate {
get {
val p = call.principal<AppPrincipal>()!!
call.respondText("Key: ${p.key}")
For details see MinimalExampleApp.kt with this example application and TestMinimalExampleApp.kt which verifies that this app works as expected.
For more advanced configuration see TestApiKeyAuth.kt.