kraskaska-runner: This application allows you to automatically restart specific command
This application allows you to automatically restart specific command. Initially made for minecraft servers. Usage:
Usage: kraskaska-runner options_list
--command, -c -> Command to keep running while runner is alive (always required) { String }
--restartIfGracefulExit, -r [1] -> Restart even if command ended with 0 code (1 = true, anything else = false) { Int }
--webhookUrl, -w -> Webhook url to post restart warnings { String }
--strikesAmount, -s [3] -> Strikes (non-graceful, non-zero exits) needed to exit from runner. Set to 0 to disable { Int }
--strikesInterval, -i [900] -> Seconds need to pass since last strike before resetting strike count to 0 { Int }
--treatZeroAsError -> Zero will act like it's crashed
--help, -h -> Usage info