Kotlin Library for Chargily ePay Gateway


Kotlin Library for Chargily ePay Gateway

FYI this module uses async await

I will add this to MAVEN As soon as possible

    // creat a client Instance
    val chargiliClient : Chargily = Chargily("Put your API KEY HERE ")

  //creat a invoice model 
    val invoice :InnoviceModel = 
    InnoviceModel("mohameed" ,"mohamed.hacine00@gmail.com" , "3545644" , 009999.4 , 7.5 ,"https://www.yourwebsite.com",
        "https://www.yourwebsite.com/purshase" , PaymentMethode.EDAHABIA ,"Hola ")

  GlobalScope.launch {
            var response =  chargiliClient.creatPayment(invoice)
          var checkout =   response.body()?.checkout_url.toString())

This Package is to integrate ePayment gateway with Chargily easily.

  • Currently support payment by CIB / EDAHABIA cards and soon by Visa / Mastercard
  • This repo is recently created for Android SDK, If you are a developer and want to collaborate to the development of this Package, you are welcomed!

Contribution tips

  1. Make a fork of this repo.
  2. Take a tour to our API documentation here
  3. Get your API Key/Secret from ePay by Chargily dashboard for free.
  4. Start developing.
  5. Finished? Push and merge.


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