Kotlin/JVM compensated summation of Double sequences to calculate sum, mean, standard deviation


Compensated summation reduces numerical error when summing sequences of Double.

This does not eliminate rounding errors, but reduces them by orders of magnitude.

val numbers = listOf(0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1)

numbers.sumOf { it }         // 1.0000000000000002 (naive)
numbers.accurateSumOf { it } // 1.0 (compensated)

Most of the functions use “second-order iterative Kahan–Babuška algorithm” suggested by Klein (2005).



sourceControl {
    gitRepository(java.net.URI("https://github.com/rtmigo/summation_kt.git")) {


dependencies {
    implementation("io.github.rtmigo:summation") {
        version { branch = "staging" }

Import in Kotlin code:

import io.github.rtmigo.summation.*  // Kotlin

Lambda functions with compensated sums

val sequence = listOf(1, 2, 3)

// sum
sequence.accurateSumOf { it * 0.1 }  // equals 0.6

// arithmetic mean
sequence.accurateMeanOf { it * 0.1 }  // equals 0.2

// standard deviation and mean
val (stdev, mean) = sequence.accurateStdMeanOf { it * 0.1 }

Running compensated sum

Running sum, immutable version:

var sum = AccurateSum(5.0)  // 5.0 is optional starting value

sum += 0.1               // create new object and reassign var
sum += listOf(0.2, 0.3)  // create new object and reassign var

println(sum.value)       // 5.6

sum -= 0.2               // create new object and reassign var

println(sum.value)       // 5.4

Running sum, mutable version (faster):

val sum = MutableAccurateSum(5.0)  // 5.0 is optional starting value

sum.add(0.1)                    // mutate the sum object
sum.add(listOf(0.2, 0.3))       // mutate the sum object

println(sum.value)              // 5.6

sum.add(-0.2)                   // mutate the sum object

println(sum.value)              // 5.4

Other functions

kahanSumOf implements Kahan compensated summation algorithm in its traditional form.

The calculation accuracy is slightly lower than accurateSumOf (by Klein), but still much better than the naive sum.

val sequence = listOf(1, 2, 3)
println( sequence.kahanSumOf { it * 0.1 } )  // 0.6

welfordMeanOf calculates the arithmetic mean, avoiding overflow when summing too large values.

val sequence = listOf(1, 2, 3)
println( sequence.welfordMeanOf { it * 0.1 } )  // 0.3


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