Jetpack Compose color picker library for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color

ColorPicker Compose
? Jetpack Compose color picker library that allows you to get colors from any images like gallery pictures by tapping on the desired color. Also, it supports brightness and alpha slider, which can adjust your ARGB factors.
Add the dependency below to your module‘s build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.skydoves:colorpicker-compose:1.0.0"
See how to import the snapshotIncluding the SNAPSHOT
Snapshots of the current development version of ColorPicker-Compose are available, which track the latest versions.
To import snapshot versions on your project, add the code snippet below on your gradle file:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Next, add the dependency below to your module‘s build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.skydoves:colorpicker-compose:1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
First, you should initialize ColorPickerController
, which allows you to control color pickers and all subcomponents.
val controller = rememberColorPickerController()
Next, you can implement a color picker with the ImageColorPicker
composable function.
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
paletteImageBitmap = ImageBitmap.imageResource(R.drawable.palettebar),
controller = controller
ImageColorPicker allows you to get colors from any images such as gallery pictures or drawble resources by tapping on the desired color.
It interacts with the ColorPickerController
to control the color picker and other components. You can use the ImageColorPicker
as the following example:
modifier = Modifier
controller = controller,
paletteImageBitmap = ImageBitmap.imageResource(R.drawable.palettebar),
paletteContentScale = PaletteContentScale.FIT,
onColorChanged = { colorEnvelope: ColorEnvelope ->
// do something
With the modernstorage‘s Photo Picker, you can set an desired image as the palette like the below:
val context = LocalContext.current
val photoPicker =
rememberLauncherForActivityResult(PhotoPicker()) { uris ->
val uri = uris.firstOrNull() ?: return@rememberLauncherForActivityResult
val bitmap = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
ImageDecoder.decodeBitmap(ImageDecoder.createSource(context.contentResolver, uri))
} else {
MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(context.contentResolver, uri)
As you can see the above, you can set the palette with the setPaletteImageBitmap
function of the controller.
You can adjust your palette’s image scale with the setPaletteContentScale
function of the controller as the below:
controller.setPaletteContentScale(PaletteContentScale.FIT) // scale the image to fit width and height.
controller.setPaletteContentScale(PaletteContentScale.CROP) // center crop the image.
HsvColorPicker allows you to get colors from HSV color palette by tapping on the desired color.
It interacts with the ColorPickerController
to control the color picker and other components. You can use the HsvColorPicker
as the following example:
modifier = Modifier
controller = controller,
onColorChanged = { colorEnvelope: ColorEnvelope ->
// do something
Note: If you use
, you can not set the palette and content scale with thesetPaletteImageBitmap
ColorEnvelope is a data transfer object that includes updated color factors. If you pass the onColorChanged lambda function to the ImageColorPicker
or HsvColorPicker
, the lambda receives ColorEnvelope.
ColorEnvelope includes the following properties:
onColorChanged = { colorEnvelope: ColorEnvelope ->
val color: Color = colorEnvelope.color // ARGB color value.
val hexCode: String = colorEnvelope.hexCode // Color hex code, which represents color value.
val fromUser: Boolean = colorEnvelope.fromUser // Represents this event is triggered by user or not.
ColorPickerController interacts with color pickers and it allows you to control the all subcomponents.
Custom Wheel
You can customize the wheel with the following functions:
.setWheelRadius(40.dp) // set the radius size of the wheel.
.setWheelColor(Color.Blue) // set the color of the wheel.
.setWheelAlpha(0.5f) // set the transparency of the wheel.
.setWheelImageBitmap(imageBitmap) // set the wheel image with your custom ImageBitmap.
Select Points
You can select specific points with the functions below:
.selectByCoordinate(x = 100f, y = 100f, fromUser = false) // select x = 100, y = 100.
.selectCenter(fromUser = false) // select center of the palette.
You can set the debounce duration, which decides to invoke the color listener from the last tapping. Debounce can be useful to reduce overhead. For example, communicating with IoT devices or relevant works that require heavy operations.
Enable and Disable
You can enable or disable your color picker with the below function:
AlphaSlider allows you to adjust the alpha value of the selected color from color pickers.
AlphaSlider needs to be tied to the ColorPickerController
, and the value changes will be assembled with the selected color factors.
You can implement AlphaSlider as the following example:
modifier = Modifier
controller = controller,
You can customize the border of the sider with the following parameters:
borderRadius = 6.dp,
borderSize = 5.dp,
borderColor = Color.LightGray,
You can customize the wheel of the sider with the following parameters:
wheelRadius = 30.dp,
wheelColor = Color.White,
wheelPaint = Paint().apply { color = wheelColor },
wheelImageBitmap = ImageBitmap.imageResource(R.drawable.wheel),
Also, you can customize tiles of the background with the following parameters:
tileOddColor = Color.White,
tileEvenColor = Color.LightGray,
tileSize = 30.dp,
BrightnessSlider allows you to adjust the brightness value of the selected color from color pickers.
BrightnessSlider needs to be tied to the ColorPickerController
, and the value changes will be assembled with the selected color factors.
You can implement BrightnessSlider as the following example:
modifier = Modifier
controller = controller,
You can customize the wheel of the sider with the following parameters:
wheelRadius = 30.dp,
wheelColor = Color.White,
wheelPaint = Paint().apply { color = wheelColor },
wheelImageBitmap = ImageBitmap.imageResource(R.drawable.wheel),
AlphaTile allows you to display ARGB colors including transparency with tiles.
modifier = Modifier
controller = controller
Also, you can customize tiles of the background with the following parameters:
tileOddColor = Color.White,
tileEvenColor = Color.LightGray,
tileSize = 30.dp,
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Designed and developed by 2022 skydoves (Jaewoong Eum)
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