Jetpack Compose Bubble Animation
Jetpack Compose Bubble Animation
This is a Compose-based animation that displays bubbles of different sizes moving around the screen.
To use the animation, you can call the BubbleAnimation() composable function and pass in the following parameters:
- colors: a list of Color objects representing the gradient colors of the bubbles.
- bubbleCount: an integer value representing the number of bubbles to display.
- offsetX: a float value representing the maximum horizontal distance a bubble can move.
- offsetY: a float value representing the maximum vertical distance a bubble can moves.
listOf(Color.Yellow, Color.Gray),
bubbleCount = 13,
offsetX = 900f,
offsetY = 750f,
You can preview the animation using the BubbleAnimationPreview() composable function:
@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun BubbleAnimationPreview() {
bubbleCount = 13,
offsetX = 900f,
offsetY = 750f