How to integrate classic App Shortcuts with Google Assistant through the new Capabilities API

Assistant Shortcuts (App Actions)

In this example, we will review the use of the classic Android ** Shortcuts ** repowered with ** Google Assistant **, making use of the new ** Capabilities API ** announced in the last Google I / O.

The project is separated into progressive branches, so that you can review the differences between them when you learn a new concept.

The order would be:

  1. [main] ( Base branch with a simple project of 3 screens (Fragments) joined with Jetpack Navigation.

Jetpack Navigation:

  1. [ShortcutClassic] ( Branch where we implement ** Shortcuts **, the Android technology that allows "Direct Access" from the launcher (desktop) of our phone by pressing and holding the icons and displaying them.


  1. [ShortcutCapabilities] ( Branch where the classic Android ** Shortcuts ** and voice actions ** App Actions ** are integrated with the new ** API Capabilities ** announced in recent * Google I / O 21 *.


App Actions:

  1. [CapabilitiesInAppPromo] ( Branch where we will use ** In-App Promo SDK ** to make suggestions directly in the application of the use or call of a specific flow with Google Assistant.

In-App Promo SDK:

  1. [WidgetCapabilities] ( Branch where we will use ** Capabilities API ** to invoke Android Widgets, directly in our Google Assistant.


  • Android Studio 4.2. *
  • Android SDK 25>
  • Kotlin 1.4. *>
  • Google Assistant Plugin for Android Studio ([LINK] (
  • Google Play Developers account (Just to launch an Internal Testing and Android can associate the ID of the application with the Google Assistant of your * phone || emulator *.
  • Log in with the same Gmail account from the Google Play Developers console, on the * phone || emulator * and on Android Studio so that the Google Assistant plugin works correctly.


  • The project is thinking to work from Android 7.1 (Nougat | Api 25) because ** Shortcuts ** are a technology that just appeared in this version of Android and the new ** Capabilities API ** work with ** Shortcuts **, however you can install it on devices with Android 5 (Lollipop | Api 21) taking into account that neither the Shortcuts nor the capabilities will work.
  • To be able to test either on a device or emulator, remember to use the same Gmail account, both in Google Play Developers, in Android Studio and on your phone.

