Gradle Replace In Place (GRIP): a gradle plugin to update your documentation or any file with a simple gradle task
GRIP (Gradle Replace In-Place)
A gradle tool to update some values in your (documentation) files by running a task.
(inspired by Knit)
Insert a gradle properties: GRADLE_PROPERTIES
<!--$ GRADLE_PROPERTIES version --><!-- END $-->
Take 1 parameter that must be the name of the gradle properties on your project.
Insert a system environment variable: SYSTEM_ENV
<!--$ SYSTEM_ENV LOGNAME --><!-- END $-->
Take 1 parameter that must be the name of one of the environment variable on the computer running grip.
Insert a local file
<!--$ INSERT src/commonMain/kotlin/com/glureau/grip/sample/ --><!-- END $-->
Take 1 parameter that uses the gradle file pattern.
For example, the previous INSERT could be extended to:
<!--$ INSERT src/**/sample/*.md --><!-- END $-->
Insert a date/time: DATETIME
<!--$ DATETIME yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z --><!-- END $-->
Take 1 parameter that represents the formatting of the current time (Calendar.getInstance()
plugins {
id("com.glureau.grip") version "0.2.0"
Then you can add additional configuration, with:
grip {
// When replaceInPlace is false, the files are processed and the resulting file is stored in build/grip
replaceInPlace = false
// Choose the files that grip should process
files = fileTree(project.projectDir) {
// By default, we pick only markdowns on the src directory, but there is really no limitation
// Avoid re-loading the generated files
File types support
Currently the replacement token is made for Markdown and tools like mkdocs or dokka as it’s considering a web comment format.
If you want to use the same plugin on other type of files, please open an issue with your needs!