Gradle plugin to apply AWS CodeArtifact repositories
Code Artifact Repository Plugin
Convenience plugin to apply AWS CodeArtifact repositories to your Gradle project.
Configure the plugin extension either in the settings.gradle.kts or build.gradle.kts and then apply your repositories.
plugins {
id("com.liftric.code-artifact-repository-plugin") version "<latest>"
codeArtifactRepository {
// use profile credentials provider, otherwise the default credentials chain of aws will be used
// Determines how long the generated authentication token is valid in seconds
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
codeArtifact("my_domain", "my_repository")
codeArtifact("my_other_domain", "my_other_repository")
You can also use multiple CodeArtifact endpoints:
plugins {
id("com.liftric.code-artifact-repository-plugin") version "<latest>"
codeArtifactRepository {
additional("customer1") {
// reuses properties of the default extension if not explicitly specified
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
// uses the default extension (liftric profile)
codeArtifact(domain = "my_domain", repository = "my_repository")
// uses the customer1 extension (customer1 profile)
codeArtifact(additionalName = "customer1", domain = "my_other_domain", repository = "my_other_repository")
You can also just get the token and endpoint, if you wan’t to configure something different, like
val token = codeArtifactToken(domain = "my_domain")
val uri = codeArtifactUri(domain = "my_domain", repository = "my_repository")