Gradle Plugin that removes unused resources in Android projects

Unused Resources Remover for Android
Gradle Plugin that removes unused resources in Android projects.
- Easy to remove unused resources by simple gradle command
- Customize extra/exclude files configuration
- Support DataBinding & Multi module project
Simple usage
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath ""
NOTE: If your gradle version is 2.1 and later, you can use new snippet for plugins DSL.
If you want to know more details, see plugin page.
apply plugin: "com.github.konifar.gradle.unused-resources-remover"
$ ./gradlew removeUnusedResources
Advanced usage
This plugin checks some basic resource files below.
| |--*.xml
| |--*.xml
| |--*.xml
| |--*.png
| |--*.jpg
| |--*.9.png // 9-patch
| |--*.xml
| |--*.xml
| |--*.xml
| |--*.png
If you want to check other files, you can add custom remover settings in app/build.gradle
Here is two example.
(actually same format with strings.xml)text_appearance.xml
(actually same format with styles.xml)
unusedResourcesRemover {
extraRemovers = [
createXmlValueRemover("fonts", "string", "string"), // fonts.xml
createXmlValueRemover("text_appearance", "style", "style", "style") // text_appearance.xml
There are other optional configuration below
unusedResourcesRemover {
// Write file or directory names
excludeNames = [
"strings.xml", // strings.xml is never checked
"res/drawable" // drawable* dirs are never checked
// When dryRun option is true, unused files are not removed.
dryRun = true // default false
To know more, See UnusedResourcesRemoverExtension
This project is under development.
I'm always welcome your contribution! Feel free to report Issue or send Pull Request!
Project structure
plugin/ - The main module of Gradle plugin
example/ - An example android project that uses this plugin
example-module/ - An example module that are used in example
Download repository
$ git clone
$ cd gradle-unused-resources-remover-plugin
Edit build.gradle
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
+// classpath ""
- classpath ""
// For mavenLocal
+ classpath 'com.github.konifar.gradle:unused-resources-remover:0.3.3'
-// classpath 'com.github.konifar.gradle:unused-resources-remover:0.3.3'
Install to local maven
$ cd plugin
$ ./../gradlew assemble install
Run example
$ cd example
$ ./../gradlew removeUnusedResources
$ > Task :example:removeUnusedResources
$ extraRemovers:
$ fileType: font, resourceName: string, type: DEFAULT
$ fileType: text_appearance, resourceName: style, type: STYLE
$ excludeNames:
$ fonts.xml
$ dryRun: false
$ [layout] ======== Start layout checking ========
$ [layout] example
$ [layout] Remove unused_layout.xml
$ [layout] Complete to remove files.
$ [layout] example-module
$ [layout] No unused layout files.
$ [layout] plugin