Gradle Plugin and Library to use GRPC within Kotlin multiplatform code
GRPC Kotlin Multiplatform
This projects implements client-side GRPC for Android, JVM and the web. iOS will be coming soon.
- Parses proto3 files and generates Kotlin files for these proto3 files.
- DSL Syntax for creating proto objects.
- Suspending rpc calls like in Kotlin/GRPC.
- Heavily influenced by the Java/Kotlin GRPC and Proto API.
Supported features:
- suspending unary-rpc and server side streaming.
- nested messages
Supported proto types:
- int32
- int64
- double
- float
- bool
- string
- enums
- map
- all messages built of these types
Feel free to add support for more types, I just implemented those I needed for now.
This plugin generates a kotlin class for each message/enum defined in the proto files.They all start with KM and then have the name of the message/enum.
First, run common:generateMPProtos to generate the multiplatform proto files.
Creating proto objects
In your common module, you can create proto objects like this:
val myMessage = kmMyMessage { myStringField = "foo" myNumberField = 23 myOtherMessageField = kmOtherMessage {...}}
Making rpc calls
suspend fun makeCall() { val channel = KMChannel.Builder() .forAddress("localhost", 8082) //replace with your address and your port .usePlaintext() //To force grpc to allow plaintext traffic, if you don't call this https is used. .build() //For each service a unique class is generated. KM(serviceName)Stub val stub = KMMyServiceStub(channel) val request = kmRequest {...} try { val response = stub .withDeadlineAfter(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) //Specify a deadline if you need to .myRpc(request) //Handle response } catch (e: KMStatusException) { } catch (e: Exception) { }}
You can call this code from both JVM/Android modules and JS modules.
In your top-level build.gradle.kts, add the following:
buildscript { repositories { //... gradlePluginPortal() } dependencies { classpath(kotlin("gradle-plugin", version = "1.6.0")) //... classpath("<latest version>") classpath("io.github.timortel:kotlin-multiplatform-grpc-plugin:<latest version>") }}
Common Module build.gradle.kts
Add the following to your plugins block:
plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") id("io.github.timortel.kotlin-multiplatform-grpc-plugin")}
Configure your JS configuration:
kotlin { ... js(IR) { useCommonJs() nodejs() browser { webpackTask { output.libraryTarget = "commonjs2" } } binaries.executable() } ...}
Other configurations may work, but I have not tested others.
Add the library as a dependency:
kotlin { sourceSets { val commonMain by getting { dependencies { implementation(kotlin("stdlib-common")) api("io.github.timortel:grpc-multiplatform-lib:<latest version>") api("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:<latest version>") } kotlin.srcDir(projectDir.resolve("build/generated/source/kmp-grpc/commonMain/kotlin").canonicalPath) } val jvmMain by getting { dependencies { api(project(":generate-proto")) implementation("io.github.timortel:grpc-multiplatform-lib-jvm:<latest version>") } kotlin.srcDir(projectDir.resolve("build/generated/source/kmp-grpc/jvmMain/kotlin").canonicalPath) } val jsMain by getting { dependencies { implementation("io.github.timortel:grpc-multiplatform-lib-js:<latest version>") } kotlin.srcDir(projectDir.resolve("build/generated/source/kmp-grpc/jsMain/kotlin").canonicalPath) } }}
Finally, register the generation task:
kotlin { ...}tasks.register<GenerateMultiplatformSourcesTask>("generateMPProtos") { //Specify the folders where your proto files are located, you can list multiple. protoSourceFolders.set(listOf(projectDir.resolve("../protos/src/main/proto")))}
Make sure your Kotlin-Protobuf and Kotlin-GRPC generated files are available in you JVM and Android modules.An example on how to configure this can be found in here
You must add the following npm dependencies to your JS module:
dependencies { ... api(npm("google-protobuf", "^<latest version>")) api(npm("grpc-web", "^<latest version>")) api(npm("protobufjs", "^<latest version>"))}
- iOS
Feel free to implement improvements, bug fixes and features and create a pull request.Please send all pull requests to the develop branch, as the master always holds the code for the latest version.
How does it work internally?
- The JVM implementation simply delegates all logic to the files generated by the proto plugin.
- The JS implementation fully replaces the javascript protoc files and implements the logic in Kotlin. It then utilizes the google-protobuf and grpc-web the same way the javascript files would do.
Copyright 2022 Tim Ortel
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.