Goal of this project is to reduce the steepness of the Rx learning curve


Goal of this project is to reduce the steepness of the Rx (RxJava, RxSwift, Project Reactor, etc) learning curve.

Target Audience

RxKoans targets reactive juniors, middles and seniors.

  • Reactive Juniors:
    • We encourage you to go through all tiers slowly, starting with tier1
    • We encourage you to rely on Hints and use easiest and most natural ways of solving the Koans
    • Once you feel comfortable, we encourage you to check alternative solutions for same Koans that you've already solved, debug and understand them
  • Reactive Middles:
    • We encourage you to go through all tiers fast, starting with tier1
    • We encourage you to NOT rely on Hints and use easiest and most natural ways of solving the Koans
    • Once you feel comfortable, we encourage you to check alternative solutions for same Koans that you've already solved, debug and understand them
  • Reactive Seniors:
    • We encourage you to go through all tiers FAST, starting with tier1
    • We encourage you to NOT rely on Hints and use most ELEGANT ways of solving the Koans
    • Once you feel comfortable, we encourage you to submit your solutions if you find them more elegant

How to use


  • Koans are essentially unit tests where you need to provide implementation according to the "Task" so that the test passes.
  • Koans are split into "tiers" from 1 to n, where 1 means the easiest, the basics.
  • Koans can have multiple solutions, it's totally up to on how to implement them. There are however "hints" provided in each Koan.
  • Koans have multiple solutions provided in the repo so you could explore them, they're also used for tests on CI.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Open the project in your favorite IDE/editor
  3. Navigate to koans/rxjava[other]/src/test/…/tier
  4. Open particular Koan and read through the Task defined in class Koan[n]Todo
  5. Try to implement the Koan according to the task using Hint and references to specific documentation
  6. Run the test in the Koan class either from IDE/editor or from Terminal like this: ./gradlew test --tests com.artemzin.rxkoans.rxjava.tier1.Koan6Test
