Glucos-App - Capstone Project Bangkit 2022

Glucos-App – Capstone Project Bangkit 2022

Glucos App

Applications for early detection of diabetes


The COVID-19 pandemic has made every activity shift from offline to online. Work from home is one of the factors that make a person less physically active which increases a person’s risk of diabetes. Diabetes is a dangerous disease with a very high mortality rate. It is caused by increased levels of glucose in the blood which overtime will cause a number of complications, including kidney failure, blindness and heart attack. A Journal of Cell Metabolism found a very high proportion (49.7%) of patients with COVID-19 experienced hyperglycemia. hyperglycemia is a condition in which blood glucose levels exceed its normal limit. If this happens continuously, it will lead to diabetes. Based on this background, we are interested in creating a diabetes detection application so that people can be more aware of diabetes during the pandemic. This application can be useful as a prevention and early detection tool to find out the possibility of someone having diabetes.

Application Overview

Glucos Team C22-PC403

Our Repository click role of member

Machine Learning:

  • M2004F0190 – Paskalis Sinurat
  • M2281G2418 – Surya Herdiansyah
  • M2012G1210 – Mohammad Aldrin Arifin

Mobile Development:

  • A2009G0970 – Herdi Yusli

Cloud Computing:

  • C2427F3003 – Wahdina Azizah


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Open folder GlucosApp to Android Studio
  3. Run the project with your emulator or android phone

Tools, Library & Frameworks




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