Github API consumer to list user repositories using SpringBoot with Spring WebFlux

GitHub Repositories Lister

This project uses SpringBoot and Spring WebFlux to list the repositories of a user which are not forks along with its branches.

Building the application

To build application and package it as an executable jar, simply run

./gradlew clean check bootJar

You can find the generated jar in ./build/libs with the name github-lister-boot.jar

Running the application

To run the application, first you need to create a github access token. Follow this guide to know more.

After you acquire an access token, you can either:

  • Run the application without building by running

./gradlew bootRun \
  • Build the application then run the generated jar file using

./gradlew java -jar \
    -D'github.api.accessToken=<your-access-token>' \

Packaging a containerized application

To build and publish the application as docker container, a Dockerfile is provided.

You can use the following command to create the container after replacing the <image-name> and <image-tag> with your values

docker build -t <image-name>:<image-tag> .

The docker file is using 2 stages, one for building and another one for the runnable container. The order of the steps is important to minimize the number of layers that needs to be re-created.

The first stage is using a base JDK container structured to :

  • Copies the required files for a gradle build
  • Download gradle and the dependencies using ./gradlew dependencies
  • Copy the application source code
  • Build the application using ./gradlew bootJar

The second stage is using a smaller base container with only the JRE structured to:

  • Copies the built jar from the previous stage
  • Creates the entry point of the container
  • Exposes the 8080 port which is the server port

Deploying to AWS

To deploy the application to AWS, a cloud formation template cf-stack.yaml is created.

The template creates the resources shown in the diagram

To deploy the template, you can use

aws cloudformation --region <aws-region> deploy --template-file cf-stack.yaml --stack-name <stack-name>

The template does not create a VPC or subnets. It already uses the default VPC and subnets in the region. You will need to provide the following parameters to be able to run the template

  • ExecutionRole: This is used to give ECS service the permission to create tasks. See here on how to create ECS task execution role
  • ContainerImage: The full name of the application docker image.
  • GithubAccessToken: The token that the application use to access GitHub APIs
  • AwsLogsGroup: Logs group name that the app will create to retain the logs of the application
  • VpcId: The id of the VPC in the region in which you are deploying the stack
  • SubnetOne: The id of one of the subnets in the same VPC added before
  • SubnetTwo: The id of another subnet in the same VPC added before


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