Gallery Picker allows you to design a custom gallery for image/ video picker
Gallery Picker
Gallery Picker allows you to design a custom gallery for image/ video picker in your android projects. You can also use the in-built cutom fragment developed with the help of the utility methods provided in the library. The utility methods include fetching data from the android's media store efficiently and album separations.
[1] In your app module gradle file
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.tizisdeepan:gallerypicker:1.0.1'
[2] In your project level gradle file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
[3] In your manifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
NOTE: Make sure to implement run time permissions request in your app.
[4] In your project, you can start PickerActivity by adding this line
[5] You can define Picker Limits via your Intent
val i = Intent(this@MainActivity,
i.putExtra("IMAGES_LIMIT", 7) // Allows you to pick 7 images
i.putExtra("VIDEOS_LIMIT", 7) // Allows you to pick 7 videos
[6] If you don't want to use the PickerActivity, you this to fetch Photos and Videos
val images = GalleryPicker(context).getImages()
val videos = GalleryPicker(context).getVideos()
Log.e("RESULT", "IMAGES COUNT: ${images.size}\nVIDEOS COUNT: ${videos.size}")
GalleryImage Model
Property | Description |
ID [String] | Unique Identifier for the image |
DATA [String] | Uri of the image |
DATE_ADDED [Long] | Date (timeInMillis) of when the image has been Added |
DATE_MODIFIED [Long] | Date (timeInMillis) of when the image has been Last Modified |
DATE_TAKEN [Long] | Date (timeInMillis) of when the image has been Captured |
DISPLAY_NAME [String] | Name of the image |
HEIGHT [String] | Height of the image in pixels |
WIDTH [String] | Width of the image in pixels |
MIME_TYPE [String] | Mime Type of the image |
SIZE [String] | Size of the image in bytes |
TITLE [String] | Title of the Image |
BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME [String] | Bucket Name of the image in Media Store |
BUCKET_ID [String] | Bucket ID of the image in Media Store |
DESCRIPTION [String] | Decription of the image |
IS_PRIVATE [String] | Tells whether the image is in Private Directory or not |
LATITUDE [String] | Location coordinates - Latitude |
LONGITUDE [String] | Location coordinates - Longitude |
MINI_THUMB_MAGIC [String] | Mini Thumb Magic property from Media Store |
ORIENTATION [String] | Orientation type - Exif property |
PICASA_ID [String] | Picasa ID property from Media Store |
ALBUM_NAME [String] | Name of the Album in which the image is present |
GalleryVideo Model
Property | Description |
ID [String] | Unique Identifier for the video |
DATA [String] | Uri of the video |
DATE_ADDED [Long] | Date (timeInMillis) of when the video has been Added |
DATE_MODIFIED [Long] | Date (timeInMillis) of when the video has been Last Modified |
DATE_TAKEN [Long] | Date (timeInMillis) of when the video has been Captured |
DISPLAY_NAME [String] | Name of the video |
HEIGHT [String] | Height of the video in pixels |
WIDTH [String] | Width of the video in pixels |
MIME_TYPE [String] | Mime Type of the video |
SIZE [String] | Size of the video in bytes |
TITLE [String] | Title of the video |
ALBUM [String] | Album Name of the video in Media Store |
ARTIST [String] | Artist Name of the video in Media Store |
BOOKMARK [String] | Bookmark of the video in Media Store |
BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME [String] | Bucket Name of the video in Media Store |
BUCKET_ID [String] | Bucket ID of the video in Media Store |
CATEGORY [String] | Category of the video |
DESCRIPTION [String] | Description of the video |
DURATION [String] | Duration of the video in milli seconds |
IS_PRIVATE [String] | Tells whether the video is in Private Directory or not |
LANGUAGE [String] | Language of the video |
LATITUDE [String] | Location coordinates - Latitude |
LONGITUDE [String] | Location coordinates - Longitude |
MINI_THUMB_MAGIC [String] | Mini Thumb Magic property from Media Store |
RESOLUTION [String] | Resolution of the video |
TAGS [String] | Tags property from Media Store |
ALBUM_NAME [String] | Name of the Album in which the video is present |