FadingToolbar - An animation library which fades out your footer view in a ScrollView/RecyclerView and fades in a toolbar title
FadingToolbar is an animation library which fades out your footer view in a ScrollView/RecyclerView and fades in a toolbar title (analogue of the LargeTitle animation in iOS). Main points:
- Supports both XML and Compose.
- Easy to use – just pass your UI components and they will be animated right away
- Kotlin-based and lightweight.
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add the dependency (you can put one of them or include both)
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.PineapplePie.FadingToolbar:fadingtoolbar:1.0.1' // XML version
implementation 'com.github.PineapplePie.FadingToolbar:fadingtoolbar-compose:1.0.1' // Compose version
For a full example take a look at the sample module.
Compose version
Compose version of the library consists of a custom LazyColumn container and simple configs for your texts. It supports all Text and LazyColumn parameters and settings.
// Toolbar title text customization
val topBarTextConfig = TextConfig.Builder()
Modifier.padding(horizontal = 16.dp, vertical = 8.dp)
// Footer text customization
val footerTextConfig = TextConfig.Builder()
Modifier.padding(horizontal = 16.dp, vertical = 8.dp)
listContent = {
// your item or items here
item {}
item {}
item {}
topBarText = "Your text here!", // your text here
footerText = "Your second text here!", // your text here, but you can skip it if both texts are the same
topBarTextConfig = topBarTextConfig,
topBarBackgroundColor = Color.White, // your color here
footerTextConfig = footerTextConfig,
XML version
XML version of the library is implemented as a separate animator helper class. It supports ScrollView and RecyclerView set ups, but doesn’t provide basic containers compared to the Compose version.
private val animator by lazy { FadingToolbarAnimator() }
private fun setupAnimator() = with(binding) {
animator.bind(toolbar, recyclerView) // your Toolbar and RecyclerView here
private val animator by lazy { FadingToolbarAnimator() }
private fun setupAnimator() = with(binding) {
animator.bind(toolbar, footerView, scrollView) // your Toolbar, footer View and RecyclerView here
FadingToolbar is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.