E-commerce application prepared for the Android Developer Bootcamp held in cooperation
Kiss Shop ??
E-commerce application prepared for the Android Developer Bootcamp held in cooperation with UpSchool & Akbank ??
About The Project
Kiss Shop is an e-commerce application written in Kotlin, prepared with API data. In the application, there are products and categories, search, add to cart, list of favorite products and profile screen information.
- Made with Retrofit, Picasso, Room,Firebase, Firestore, DataBinding, MVVM architecture (ViewModel, LiveData), Recyclerview,Splash Screen,Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav),SearchView,Lottie
- Collapse toolbar is used on the detail page.
- Login/Registration/Forgot Password screens are using Navigation Component. Provided with Firebase Authentication.
- In the back, basket operations are done via API, favorite operations are done with Room.
- The profile part is provided with Firestore.