DSL for rendering fancy text with Compose

Eventually planning to add support for rendering Markdown.
Open the Demo.kt
file in the richtext-ui
module to play with this.
RichText(modifier = DrawBackground(color = Color.White)) {
Heading(0, "Paragraphs")
Text("Simple paragraph.")
Text("Paragraph with\nmultiple lines.")
Text("Paragraph with really long line that should be getting wrapped.")
Heading(0, "Lists")
Heading(1, "Unordered")
ListDemo(listType = Unordered)
Heading(1, "Ordered")
ListDemo(listType = Ordered)
Heading(0, "Horizontal Line")
Text("Above line")
Text("Below line")
Heading(0, "Code Block")
"Hello": "world!"
Heading(0, "Block Quote")
BlockQuote {
Text("These paragraphs are quoted.")
Text("More text.")
BlockQuote {
Text("Nested block quote.")
Heading(0, "Table")
Table(headerRow = {
cell { Text("Column 1") }
cell { Text("Column 2") }
}) {
row {
cell { Text("Hello") }
cell {
CodeBlock("Foo bar")
row {
cell {
BlockQuote {
cell { Text("Hello world this is a really long line that is going to wrap hopefully") }
Looks like this: