Daily planner app for Android
About App
Daily Planner is an Android planner/note application that supports complex and customizable messages with Markdown support (+ basic HTML and syntax highlighting). Application supports both simple and dated notes + regularity (daily, weekly, etc.) and notifications
Simple and Dated Notes
Notes’ preview with the support of Markdown + Syntax Highlighting
Notes’ editing
Receive notifications with Dated Notes
- Kotlin 1.9
- Coroutines + Flow
- Dagger Hilt + Assisted Inject
- Room + Coroutines and Flow extensions
- KotlinX.Serialization
- KotlinX.DateTime
- Calendar + Date + LocalDateTime
- Easy Permissions
- Carbon
- Material 3
- AlarmManager + BroadcastReceiver
- AndroidX.ViewModel + SavedStateHandle
- AndroidX.ViewPager
- AndroidX.Fragment
- AndroidX.ConstraintLayout
- AndroidX.RecyclerView + AsyncListDiffer
Current Status:
Alpha V
Implemented features:
- Simple and Dated notes
- Complex formats preview support (Markdown + Syntax Highlighting)
- Notes editing + markdown editor
- Notes regularity (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, none)
- Notes cancellation and status change (is done or not)
- Notifications and dated notes’ status updates after them
- Check for updates
- Image support
- Notifications’ grouping (folders)
System Requirements
Android 5.0 or higher
GNU Public License V 3.0