Connect is an Android Application to connect people for a project and can then work on the application to efficiently complete the project


Problem statement

One of the most common problem faced by people in genral is to find a group of people that share the same vision and can work together. Students, Mentors, Seniors, freshers , Developers, Professors, etc all can help eachother to build something better. But its hard to form a group and even harder to manage.

Proposed Solution with Screenshots

This Project Proposes a Real time Chating platform where one can create a Project(Room) and specify the name of the project, descriptions, Tags associated with the project, Positions he is looking for to add in the project and provide all other necessary information. The application then creates 2 chat rooms , one is official and private, another is unofficial and public. People can search for projects to join based on the tags and their positions and can chat in the public room of the project. If interested can send a “request to join” that sends a join request to all official members of the project and once everyone accepts the request the new member is added to the official project.

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