CodingChallenge: A simple SDK. Which can provide you information related to Start Wars APi
CodingChallenge is a simple SDK. Which can provide you information related to Start Wars APi.
How to Run the app:
- Download the project
- Import project in the android studio
- It should build now ideally.
- Run the Project. Done!
Implementation Details
- Marked internal (classes, interface etc) which are only used inside SDK.
- Exposed CodingChallenge, acts as a single entry point/usage to the SDK.
- Easy to integrate in apps as Init SDK in Application class and use wherever needed using the same object.
- Separate models for public usage and response api. Like FilmRes and Film.
Tech Used:
- Retrofit for networking calls
- Moshi for json parsing
- Builder Pattern to instantiate
- Kotlin
Things Can be Improved (If given time)
- Error handling of network calls
- Queue management of network calls if fails for some xyz reason
- Give more control to network calls to end-user. Like schedule, cancel, etc
- DI (Make use of Dependency Injection)
- Unit Testing