cli tool to create jetpack compose ImageVector from vector XML files and SVG files in Android


A CLI tool to create ImageVector from Android vector XML and SVG.


Currently this is only available after a local gradle build

$ ./gradlew clean jar packageDistribution

A dist folder is created with the script and the jar.


There are two options to create the ImageVector. The first option is to create a Kotlin file.

$ ./vec2compose -i ic_done.xml -o DoneIcon.kt

The second option is to print the ImageVector to the console.

$ ./vec2compose -i ic_done.xml

    name = "ic_done",
    defaultWidth = 24.dp,
    defaultHeight = 24.dp,
    viewportWidth = 24f,
    viewportHeight = 24f
    fill = SolidColor(Color.Black),
    fillAlpha = 1f,
    stroke = null,
    strokeAlpha = 1f,
    strokeLineWidth = 1f,
    strokeLineCap = StrokeCap.Butt,
    strokeLineJoin = StrokeJoin.Bevel,
    strokeLineMiter = 1f,
    pathFillType = PathFillType.NonZero
) {
    moveTo(9.0f, 16.2f)
    lineTo(4.8f, 12.0f)
    lineToRelative(-1.4f, 1.4f)
    lineTo(9.0f, 19.0f)
    lineTo(21.0f, 7.0f)
    lineToRelative(-1.4f, -1.4f)
    lineTo(9.0f, 16.2f)


This is a project to play around with CLI tools and support the Jetpack Compose development to move further away from XML files in Android projects. A custom icon set can be generated as the material icon set without adding XML resources.


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