Clean Arch data mappers auto generator


Plugin for generating auto mappers for clean arch domain data model built using KSP

This library has been develped in two days as proof of concept, So it needs a lot of work, and defently a rewrite.

How to use

Anotate your DB or api data class with @DomainModel and give it the domain data class

  data class DBStudent(
    val name: String,
    val grade: Int,

  data class Student(
    val name: String,
    val grade: Int,

This will generate this code

fun DBStudent.toModel(): Student = Student(
    name = name,
    grade = grade,

fun Student.toData(): DBStudent = DBStudent(
    name = name,
    grade = grade,

The lib also supports enum ordinal using @EnumOrdinal:

data class DBStudent(
    val name: String,
    val grade: Int,
    val type: Int,

data class Student(
    val name: String,
    val grade: Int,
    val type: Type,

enum class DBType {

enum class Type {

This will generate this code:

fun DBStudent.toModel(): Student = Student(
    name = name,
    grade = grade,
    type = DBType.values()[type].toModel(),

fun Student.toData(): DBStudent
 = DBStudent(
    name = name,
    grade = grade,
    type = type.toData().ordinal,

fun DBType.toModel(): Type  = when(this) {
    DBType.FIRST -> Type.FIRST
    DBType.SECOND -> Type.SECOND

fun Type.toData(): DBType  = when(this) {
    Type.FIRST -> DBType.FIRST 
    Type.SECOND -> DBType.SECOND 

One last thing, if you have a different name for an attrivute in the domain model you can use @DomainName:

data class DBStudent(
    val user_name: String,

data class Student(
    val username: String,

This will generate this code:

fun DBStudent.toModel(): Student = Student(
    username = user_name,

fun Student.toData(): DBStudent = DBStudent(
    user_name = username,

TODO list:

  • Publish the library
  • Rewrite the whole plugin
  • Add Support for mapping collections
  • Add Support for maping dates


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