Async file downloader for Android
FileBox is an async file downloader library for Android.
Before we develop filebox, we though that URL content changes very rarely. So basically this library downloads a given URL, and if it is already downloaded, it provides downloaded content directly.
- Shares ongoing download requests to the observers. So It reduces Data Usage.
- Has TTL(Time To Live) duration. Filebox re-download the URL if TTL is expired.
- Supports both Cache and External directory.
- Supports the File Encryption for sensitive URL(images, videos, any file).
- Allows you to create a custom folder destination.
- Clears unreliable data automagically.
- Does Etag Check. Filebox doesn't download the file again If the file's TLL(Time To Live) is up but the file has not changed.
- Supports Multiple Download. If you have N file and want to get notified when all completed.
- Runs on application scope. There is no pause/resume continuation support.
Flow Diagram
Basic Usage
val fileBoxRequest = FileBoxRequest("https://url1.png")
val filebox= FileBoxProvider.newInstance(applicationContext, FileBoxConfig.createDefault())
.subscribe { fileBoxResponse ->
when (fileBoxResponse) {
is FileBoxResponse.Downloading -> {
val progress: Float = fileBoxResponse.progress
val ongoingRecord: Record = fileBoxResponse.record
is FileBoxResponse.Complete -> {
val savedRecord: Record = fileBoxResponse.record
val savedPath = fileBoxResponse.record.getReadableFilePath()
is FileBoxResponse.Error -> {
val savedRecord: Record = fileBoxResponse.record
val error = fileBoxResponse.throwable
Customize Config
val fileBoxConfig = FileBoxConfig.FileBoxConfigBuilder()
.setCryptoType(CryptoType.CONCEAL) // Default is CryptoType.NONE
.setTTLInMillis(TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(7)) // Default is 7 Days
.setDirectory(DirectoryType.CACHE) // Default is External
.setFolderName("MyPhotos") // Default is none
Multiple Download Request
val fileBoxMultipleRequest = FileBoxMultiRequest(
val filebox = FileBoxProvider.newInstance(applicationContext, FileBoxConfig.createDefault())
.subscribe { fileBoxResponse ->
when (fileBoxResponse) {
is FileBoxMultiResponse.Downloading -> {
val progress = fileBoxResponse.progress
val ongoingFileResponseList = fileBoxResponse.fileBoxResponseList
is FileBoxMultiResponse.Complete -> {
val ongoingFileResponseList = fileBoxResponse.fileBoxResponseList
ongoingFileResponseList.forEach { it.record.getReadableFilePath() }
is FileBoxMultiResponse.Error -> {
val error = fileBoxResponse.throwable
val ongoingFileResponseList = fileBoxResponse.fileBoxResponseList
Don't forget to destroy the filebox when your initialized scope is destroyed. If you create a filebox in your application class, It is application scoped. If you create a filebox in your activity class, It is activity scoped. Be aware of your lifecycle.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.lyrebirdstudio:filebox:0.1'