Android Study Jams Worker Application
Worker Application
Problem Statement:
The digital age is staring us in the face from the near future. We already see countless instances of digital technology emerging more and more in our everyday lives. Due to this finding society service jobs or recruiting workers for household chores in offline mode have become quite tedious. Every Field is now shifting to digitalization therefore Mobile Application would be a great solution for this process.
Proposed Solution :
This project “Worker’s Application” focuses on hiring process of the Workers in all services. It accepts all the details of the Worker by having a separate profile of a worker providing individuality. User who wants one can contact the worker through the profile for the further hiring process. This application uses databases for storing the data. It ensures that the data is safe. The application’s extent is to make it available for everyone in the society who wants a worker and who wants to work and helping them to connect.
Functionality & Concepts used :
- The App has a very simple and interactive interface which helps the workers to find new jobs and also for user to hire some new workers. Following are few android concepts used to achieve the functionalities in app :
- Constraint Layout : Most of the activities in the app uses a flexible constraint layout, which is easy to handle for different screen sizes on different screens.
- Simple & Easy Views Design : Use of familiar audience EditText with hints and interactive buttons made it easier for students to register or sign in without providing any detailed instructions pages. Apps also uses App Navigation to switch between different screens.
- Navigation Layout : We have provided the easy navigation drawer for user to trevel from one screen to another.
- RecyclerView : To present the list of different workers we have used the efficient recyclerview.
- LiveData & Room Database : We are also using LiveData to update new workers in the list so that user can see multipe options while hiring a worker from their mobile at real time and update it to local databases using Room. List is then updated in the users side. We have used live data so that any changes made to the database are updated immediately on our application. We have created two tables one for user and another for worker in Room database.
Application Link & Future Scope :
The app is currently in the testing phase, You can access the app : Woker Application.apk
Warning : When you installed the the apk you have to enter the workers data manually, since app is still in testing mode.
We are planning to make our application available in workers native language for better understanding. We aim that every person who want to search for job or to to search for worker to hire needs would be helped with our application. We are also planning on addings reviews in our app regarding workers. We are also going to add some features like Worker of Week, Worker of Month, Worker of Year.