Android SDK for eyeson video service incl. demo app
eyeson Android SDK
Android SDK for eyeson video service incl. demo app
A webservice to host and maintain eyeson meetings is required. The eyeson Android SDK acts as communication client for a valid meeting room accessKey or guestToken. The respective keys can be obtained in exchange for an API key. See API documentation at eyeson developers.
The eyeson Android SDK uses the following permissions:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
Add them to you manifest and make sure that you have requested the CAMERA and RECORD_AUDIO runtime permission before joining a meeting. See the Android documentation on how to request them.
Create a meeting instance. For eventListener
see Events
val eyesonMeeting = EyesonMeeting(eventListener, application)
Video views
Create and bind video views. The binding of the views can be done before or after joining the meeting. Note that video will still be sent, event if the views are not initialized.
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
can be obtained through the eyesonMeeting instance
binding.localVideo.init(eglBaseContext, null)
binding.remoteVideo.init(eglBaseContext, null)
Views must be released after the meeting has ended or terminated.
Join meeting
Can either be done via accessKey
or guestToken
accessKey = accessKey,
frontCamera = true,
audiOnly = false,
local = local,
remote = remote,
microphoneEnabledOnStart = true,
videoEnabledOnStart = true
guestToken = guestToken,
name = name,
id = null, // optional
avatar = null, // optional URL
frontCamera = true,
audiOnly = false,
local = local,
remote = remote,
microphoneEnabledOnStart = true,
videoEnabledOnStart = true
Instance methods
// Leave the meeting. Doesn't end it for other participants
fun leave() // Views still need to be released
// Set video targets
fun setLocalVideoTarget(target: VideoSink?)
fun setRemoteVideoTarget(target: VideoSink?)
// Enable/Disable outgoing video
fun setVideoEnabled(enable: Boolean)
// is local video enabled
fun isVideoEnabled(): Boolean
fun switchCamera()
fun isFrontCamera(): Boolean?
// send mute command to other participants
fun sendMuteOthers()
fun setMicrophoneEnabled(enable: Boolean)
// send chat message to all participants (including self)
fun sendChatMessage(message: String)
fun getEglContext(): EglBase.Context?
abstract class EyesonEventListener {
open fun onPermissionsNeeded(neededPermissions: List<NeededPermissions>) {}
open fun onMeetingJoining(
name: String,
startedAt: Date,
user: UserInfo,
locked: Boolean,
guestToke: String,
guestLink: String,
activeRecording: Recording?,
activeBroadcasts: BroadcastUpdate?,
snapshots: SnapshotUpdate?
) {
open fun onMeetingJoined() {}
open fun onMeetingJoinFailed(callRejectionReason: CallRejectionReason) {}
open fun onMeetingTerminated(callTerminationReason: CallTerminationReason) {}
open fun onMeetingLocked(locked: Boolean) {}
open fun onStreamingModeChanged(p2p: Boolean) {}
open fun onVideoSourceUpdate(visibleUsers: List<UserInfo>, presenter: UserInfo?) {}
open fun onAudioMutedBy(user: UserInfo) {}
open fun onMediaPlayback(playing: List<Playback>) {}
open fun onBroadcastUpdate(activeBroadcasts: BroadcastUpdate) {}
open fun onRecordingUpdate(recording: Recording) {}
open fun onSnapshotUpdate(snapshots: SnapshotUpdate) {}
open fun onUserJoinedMeeting(users: List<UserInfo>) {}
open fun onUserLeftMeeting(users: List<UserInfo>) {}
open fun onUserListUpdate(users: List<UserInfo>) {}
open fun onVoiceActivity(user: UserInfo, active: Boolean){}
open fun onChatMessageReceived(user: UserInfo, message: String, timestamp: Date) {}
open fun onCameraSwitchDone(isFrontCamera: Boolean) {}
open fun onCameraSwitchError(error: String) {}