Android library to exchange messages between Fragments
Eventex, Android Express Events
Android library to exchange messages between Fragments, ViewGroups, Activity. No need to create interfaces and pass listeners to multiple classes. There is also no need to subscribe/unsubscribe for events!
To post message
new UIEvent("").post(view); // yes, this is it
To receive message. In any class that extends Fragment, ViewGroup, or Activity
public class CustomFragment extends Fragment implements UIEventListener {
// .....
public boolean onMessage(@NonNull UIEvent uiEvent) {
switch (uiEvent.what) {
case "":
return true; // to stop message propagation
return false; // to let other objects to process message
Much less boilerplate code compare to classic solution
Communicate with other fragments!
Class CustomFragment extends Android class Fragment. It will also
work well if the class extends Activity, ViewGroup, or any layout
derived from ViewGroup (LinearLayout, FrameLayout, etc..)
- Delivers messages between UI components of an Activity.
- Supports synchronous and asynchronous communication.
- No need to subscribe/unsubscribe to receive messages.
- Completely decouples components.
- No reflection and no ProGuard rules.
- Tiny code size.
- Android 4.1.0(API 16) or above.
- Java 8
Make sure Java 8 (1.8) support is enabled in the gradle file
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
Add EventEx to the project gradle file (Androidx based projects)
implementation 'dev.uchitel:eventex:1.0.0'
Or for Android Support Library projects
implementation 'dev.uchitel:eventex-support:1.0.0'
More Details
Message can be sent synchronously
new UIEvent(12345).send(viewGroup);
Message can carry additional integer and string value:
new UIEvent(12345)
.setText("some text to pass with message")
.setNumber(9876) // some integer to pass with message
Next code will properly receive this message:
public class FragmentReceiver extends Fragment implements UIEventListener {
// .....
public boolean onMessage(@NonNull UIEvent uiEvent) {
switch (uiEvent.code) {
case 12345:
Log.d("FragmentReceiver", "text="+uiEvent.getText());
Log.d("FragmentReceiver", "number="+uiEvent.getNumber());
return true; // to stop message propagation
return false; // to let other components to process the message
Message can use integer ID, string ID, or both for more complex control scenarios:
new UIEvent(12345, ""))
The 'onMessage' for the above code:
public class FragmentReceiver extends Fragment implements UIEventListener {
// .....
public boolean onMessage(@NonNull UIEvent uiEvent) {
switch (uiEvent.code) {
case 12345:
// ...
return true; // to stop message propagation
return false; // to let other components to process the message
When writing android library make sure to use 'namespace' to prevent collisions. Sending message inside library can look like:
new UIEvent("")
Namespace "" is going to prevent ID collisions
when the library is distributed to third party developers.
And to receive this message inside library module
public class FragmentReceiver extends Fragment implements UIEventListener {
// .....
public boolean onMessage(@NonNull UIEvent uiEvent) {
// return false if this is not library message
if (!uiEvent.getNamespace().equals("")) return false;
switch (uiEvent.what){
case "":
return true; // to stop message propagation
return false; // to let other objects to process message
R8 / ProGuard
No special requirements for R8 or ProGuard