Android library that helps developers choose the hour and minute intervals from customized dialog
TimeIntervalPicker is a library that helps developers choose the hour and minute intervals from customized dialog which is not possible with MaterialTimePicker.
How to add to your project
First, add the JitPack repository to your project gradle file.
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Then, add library to your build.gradle
(app module).
implementation 'com.github.mirzemehdi:timeintervalpicker:1.0.0'
You can customize shown properties in the sample.
val timeIntervalPicker = TimeIntervalPicker.Builder()
.setTitleText("Time Interval Picker")
timeIntervalPicker.addOnPositiveButtonClickListener {
"hour:${timeIntervalPicker.hour}, " +
"minute:${timeIntervalPicker.minute}, " +
"timeStamp:${timeIntervalPicker.timeStampInMillis} "
//Show dialog, "TimeIntervalPicker")