Android library for in-app language changes support in your app

Localization Library
Header image Android library for in-app language changes support in your application
- In-app language changing
- Default language when first launch
- Work with string resource in XML and programmatically
- RTL language support
- Align on platform behavior
Try it at Google Play
Since version 1.2.9 will move from JCenter to MavenCentral
// build.gradle (project)
allprojects {
repositories {
/* ... */
implementation 'com.akexorcist:localization:1.2.10'
(Optional) You can exclude androidx.appcompat:appcompat
, if your project does not use AppCompat.
implementation ('com.akexorcist:localization:1.2.10') {
exclude group: 'androidx.core', module: 'core'
Custom application class which extends from LocalizationApplication
is require.
class MainApplication: LocalizationApplication() {
/* ... */
override fun getDefaultLanguage() = Locale.ENGLISH
Either not, using LocalizationApplicationDelegate
with additional code as below
class MainApplication: Application() {
private val localizationDelegate = LocalizationApplicationDelegate()
override fun attachBaseContext(base: Context) {
localizationDelegate.setDefaultLanguage(base, Locale.ENGLISH)
override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration) {
override fun getApplicationContext(): Context {
return localizationDelegate.getApplicationContext(super.getApplicationContext())
override fun getResources(): Resources {
return localizationDelegate.getResources(baseContext, super.getResources())
For the activities, extends from LocalizationActivity
class MainActivity: LocalizationActivity() {
/* ... */
Or using LocalizationActivityDelegate
with additional code
open class CustomActivity : Activity(), OnLocaleChangedListener {
private val localizationDelegate = LocalizationActivityDelegate(this)
public override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
public override fun onResume() {
override fun attachBaseContext(newBase: Context) {
override fun getApplicationContext(): Context {
return localizationDelegate.getApplicationContext(super.getApplicationContext())
override fun getResources(): Resources {
return localizationDelegate.getResources(super.getResources())
fun setLanguage(language: String?) {
localizationDelegate.setLanguage(this, language!!)
fun setLanguage(locale: Locale?) {
localizationDelegate.setLanguage(this, locale!!)
val currentLanguage: Locale
get() = localizationDelegate.getLanguage(this)
// Just override method locale change event
override fun onBeforeLocaleChanged() {}
override fun onAfterLocaleChanged() {}
Then prepare your multilingual content in string resource.
Public method on LocalizationActivity
It have only 4 public methods.
fun setLanguage(language: String)
fun setLanguage(language: String, country: Strinng)
fun setLanguage(locale: Locale)
fun getCurrentLanguage(): String
Set the language that you need to change.
For example
setLanguage("th") // Language : Thailand
setLanguage("th", "TH") // Language : Thailand, Country : Thai
setLanguage(Locale("th", "TH")) // Language : Thailand, Country : Thai
setLanguage("en") // Language : English
setLanguage("en", "GB") // Language : English, Country : Great Britain
setLanguage("en", "US") // Language : English, Country : United States
setLanguage(Locale("en", "US")) // Language : English, Country : United States
setLanguage(Locale.KOREA) // Language : Korean, Country : Korea
setLanguage(Locale.KOREAN) // Language : Korean
setLanguage(Locale.CANADA_FRENCH) // Language : French, Country : Canada
Get current language as string locale.
And 2 optional override methods.
fun onBeforeLocaleChanged()
fun onAfterLocaleChanged()
This override method will be useful when you need to know when language has changed.
When setLanguage
was called. Current active activity will be recreated to apply the new language.
Previous activities in back stack does not change to new language immediately. Until it back to active activity again.
Action Bar or Toolbar's title
You have to call setTitle(resId)
or getActionBar().setTitle(resId)
in onCreate(onSavedInstanceState: Bundle)
to apply the new language.
class MainActivity: LocalizationActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
/* ... */
Handle state changes
Activity will be recreate when language has changed as common behavior for configuration changes in Android. Any Activities or Fragments which hold the data should handle the state changes.
Change the language in Fragment
Language in fragment will depends on activity. So no need for additional code in Fragment.
For normally usage, just extends from LocalizationService
class SimpleService : LocalizationService() {
/* ... */
Or using LocalizationServiceDelegate
with additional code
abstract class CustomService : Service() {
private val localizationDelegate: LocalizationServiceDelegate by lazy {
override fun getBaseContext(): Context {
return localizationDelegate.getBaseContext(super.getBaseContext())
override fun getApplicationContext(): Context {
return localizationDelegate.getApplicationContext(super.getApplicationContext())
override fun getResources(): Resources {
return localizationDelegate.getResources(super.getResources())
BroadcastReceiver is abstract class. So we cannot create LocalizationBroadcastReceiver fot you.
In this case, you need to convert the context in onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent)
to localized context with Context.toLocalizedContext()
before using.
class SimpleBroadcastReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() {
override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
val localizedContext = context.toLocalizedContext()
/* ... */
Language resources optimization in Android App Bundle
Change the language by library can cause a crash to your app when you publishing your app with Android App Bundle with language resources optimization enabled.
To fix this, Using the Additional Languages API in Play Core library to download the additional language before.
For more information about Additional Language API :
If you don't want to implement this feature in your code, just ignore the language resources optimization by adding the Android App Bundle configuration in your app's build.gradle
android {
/* ... */
bundle {
language {
enableSplit = false
Normally, there's no require the ProGuard rules for this library.
But if you want to exclude this library from obfuscate and shrinking. You also can add these code to
-keep class com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.**