Android Development by using Kotlin, this App uses the concept of API, Recycler Methods and Databases

Bookstore App by using Kotlin

This Project is made using Kotlin, and it uses main concepts of API, Databases, Fragments and many more. This Application is a project in Internshala Android Development Training. This can be an app that can showcase the working of API and many more Libraries

Concepts Used

Different Layouts and Views: Card Views, Coordinator layouts, Relative and Linear Layouts.

Fragments: Used for navigation through the app as a substitute for Activities which has more Advantage to it.

Databases: For Storing the Books fetched from the API

Libraries: Various Android Libraries. From font to connectivity Libraries

API: The book store API that the books are fetched from



  • Navigation Drawer
  • Books fetched from API
  • Connectivity
  • Add to Favourites
  • Data Settings when data isn’t available

? About Me

I’m an Android and Web developer. I have an Intermediate to Advanced skills in Developing Websites and Android Applications. I am currently getting started posting my Projects on github

? Links

? Skills

Javascript, HTML, CSS, Kotlin, XML, MySQL, Python, C, Java, React, and others.


First book


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