Android app which allows users to find out current weather data for more than 210,000 locations and predict future weather

Android app which allows users to find out current weather data for more than 210,000 locations,get predictions about future weather and get Historical weather data for a location.The app also shows the Air quality of the particular selected location
User can either select a location they want to get weather and air quality information about.The user first would have to login to the app.
Tech Stack
Location : Google PLaces Sdk,Geofencing API
Cloud : Firebase,FireStore Database
Network : Retrofit,Coil,GSON,JSOUP
Dependency Injection : Dagger Hilt2
DATABASE : Room Library
Miscellaneous Coroutines,ViewModel,datastore-preferences,Easy-preferences
- Login Screen
- Current Weather data
- Weather Forecast
- Historical Weather data
? About Me
I’m an android developer based in India.I develop my app with Kotlin and try to use the best software development practices out there to develop my apps