Android app to access the electric vehicle charging station directory
Android app to access the electric vehicle charging station directory.
- Material Design
- Shows all charging stations from the community-maintained directory
- Realtime availability information (beta)
- Search places
- Favorites list, also with availability information
- No ads, fully open source
- Compatible with Android 5.0 and above
- Can use Google Maps or Mapbox (OpenStreetMap) as map backends - the version available on F-Droid only uses Mapbox.
Development setup
The App is developed using Android Studio.
For testing the app, you need to obtain free API Keys for the
GoingElectric API
as well as for Google APIs
("Maps SDK for Android" and "Places API" need to be activated) and/or Mapbox. These APIs need to be put into the
app in the form of a resource file called apikeys.xml
under app/src/main/res/values
, with the
following content:
<string name="google_maps_key" templateMergeStrategy="preserve" translatable="false">
insert your Google Maps key here
<string name="mapbox_key" translatable="false">
insert your Mapbox key here
<string name="goingelectric_key" translatable="false">
insert your GoingElectric key here