Android app for getting weather of location selected
WeatherApp is an Android application that helps you to get the forecast and temperature for specific locations , This app is based on the
- Application builds on MVVM and Clean Code
- Kotlin language
- Using Dependency Injection ( Hilt )
- App support offline ( Room DB )
- Hide api keys using C++
- Android Crypto Service
- Pull to refresh
- Support both Grid and Vertical layout
Basic Usage
- Download the code and start fetching weather information about your favorite cities.
- Android Studio ArcticFox
- Get ApiKey from WorldWeatherOnline using this link:
Build and install
Import Project into Andorid Studio.
In Android Studio, click on the “Run” button.
If you have everything set up correctly:
- The app will fetch cities are defined before ( Amman, Irbid, Aqaba)
- You can add new city by search and click on it.
- App updates the weather every time you run the app or by pull to refresh feature