Android App for fresh products
Android App for fresh products.
- In this project I applied Clean architecture with (MVVM Pattern + State Management) to apply Separation of concerns.
- using Rx java to handle heavy operations on the background thread.
- Using Hilt for dependency injection that will make code cleaner and more readable and handy when creating dependecies and testable easier.
- Single activity architecture its recommended from google to make app consume less resources.
- I added unit test to domain layer to make sure business logic works well.
Clean Architecture
Clean Architecture layers
Tech Stack
- kotlin.
- Clean Architecure with (MVVM + StateManagement).
- Single activity architecture.
- RxJava.
- Google Material design.
- recycler view.
- ConstraintLayout.
- viewmodel and live data.
- view binding.
- Dagger Hilt for DI.
- Unit test (junit – mockito).