An unofficial package to help developers to implement ZATCA (Fatoora) QR code easily

ZATCA (Fatoora) QR-Code Implementation
QR-Code implementation for the e-invoicing (Fatoora)
- Enter seller information
- Base64 and QR Generated
How QR Generated
In this repo, we will demonstrate how to simply implement a QR code for the ZATCA (Fatoora). For this, the following steps will be explored:
Using TLV to start generating the QR code:
Example: seller name is “Shawrma House”
- tag = 1
- length = “Shawrma House”.length
- value = “Shawrma House”
By Creating a TLV Byte Array for each tag like this:
tlv1 = byteArrayOf(tag.toByte(), length.toByte()).plus(value.toByteArray())
Then do same for the 5 tags and Convert to base64 code:
var tlvs = tlv1 + tlv2 + tlv3 + tlv4 + tlv5
return Base64.encodeToString(tlvs, Base64.DEFAULT)
Finally, Genearte the QR-cod from String using Zxing
Step 1. Add ZatcaQRCodeGeneration class to your project
Step 2. use class Builder to add your merchant data like below:
builder.sellerName(sellerNameEditText?.text?.toString()) // Shawrma House
.taxNumber(taxNumberEditText?.text?.toString()) // 1234567890
.invoiceDate(dateTimeEditText?.text?.toString()) //..> 22/11/2021 03:00 am
.totalAmount(totalAmountWithVatEditText?.text?.toString()) // 100
.taxAmount(vatAmountEditText?.text?.toString()) // 15
Output Base64 =
Finally, you can convert Base64 string to Bitmap then render QR code image (you can pass Bitmap to your ImageView)
Download this app to validate is your QR code is meet Zatca requirements or not:
E-Invoice QR Reader KSA قارئ الفاتورة الالكترونية -
Sample of QR Reader
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