An open source app which can be used to do basic surveys


This is an open source app which can be used to do basic surveys.
It supports multiple question types.
For demo please check the releases page

Steps to run the project:

  1. Clone/download zip
  2. Change package name
  3. Register this app in a Firebase project
  4. In the firebase realtime db import the json below
  5. Download and copy goole-services.json file into the app directory
  6. Run th project

JSON for Firebase DB:

  "surveys" : {
    "-Mq5KNZo6w8pweDsRxCL" : {
      "questions" : [ {
        "options" : [ {
          "optionPosition" : 1,
          "optionText" : "Orange"
        }, {
          "optionPosition" : 2,
          "optionText" : "Tomato"
        }, {
          "optionPosition" : 3,
          "optionText" : "Grapes"
        }, {
          "optionPosition" : 4,
          "optionText" : "Potato"
        } ],
        "questionText" : "Select all the options that are fruits",
        "questionType" : 3
      }, {
        "options" : [ {
          "optionPosition" : 1,
          "optionText" : "3"
        }, {
          "optionPosition" : 2,
          "optionText" : "5"
        }, {
          "optionPosition" : 3,
          "optionText" : "7"
        }, {
          "optionPosition" : 4,
          "optionText" : "2"
        } ],
        "questionText" : "Which of these numbers is a divisor of 8",
        "questionType" : 1
      }, {
        "questionText" : "What is a color which is also a fruit",
        "questionType" : 2
      } ],
      "surveyId" : "-Mq5KNZo6w8pweDsRxCL",
      "surveyName" : "Sample Survey"


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