An infinite card switching UI for Android
An infinite card switching UI for Android, support custom animation.
Gradle via JitPack
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.BakerJQ:Android-InfiniteCards:1.0.4'
- animType : animation type
- front : move the selected card to first
- switchPosition : move the selected card to first, and the first card to the selected position
- frontToLast : move the first card to last position
- cardRatio : ratio of the card
- animDuration : duration of each card's animation
- animAddRemoveDelay : delay of animation of add and remove between each card
- animAddRemoveDuration : duration of add and remove each card's animation
How to use
layout in xml
Set Adapter
Just extends the BaseAdapter
class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter{
mAdapter = new MyAdapter(resId);
Animation transformers and interpolators
If you just use all default animations, just do nothing.
mCardView.setAnimInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
mCardView.setTransformerToFront(new DefaultTransformerToFront());
mCardView.setTransformerToBack(new DefaultTransformerToBack());
mCardView.setZIndexTransformerToBack(new DefaultZIndexTransformerCommon());
mCardView.setTransformerToBack(new AnimationTransformer() {
public void transformAnimation(View view, float fraction, int cardWidth, int cardHeight, int fromPosition, int toPosition) {
int positionCount = fromPosition - toPosition;
float scale = (0.8f - 0.1f * fromPosition) + (0.1f * fraction * positionCount);
ViewHelper.setScaleX(view, scale);
ViewHelper.setScaleY(view, scale);
if (fraction < 0.5) {
ViewCompat.setRotationX(view, 180 * fraction);
} else {
ViewCompat.setRotationX(view, 180 * (1 - fraction));
public void transformInterpolatedAnimation(View view, float fraction, int cardWidth, int cardHeight, int fromPosition, int toPosition) {
int positionCount = fromPosition - toPosition;
float scale = (0.8f - 0.1f * fromPosition) + (0.1f * fraction * positionCount);
ViewHelper.setTranslationY(view, -cardHeight * (0.8f - scale) * 0.5f - cardWidth * (0.02f *
fromPosition - 0.02f * fraction * positionCount));
mCardView.setZIndexTransformerToBack(new ZIndexTransformer() {
public void transformAnimation(CardItem card, float fraction, int cardWidth, int cardHeight, int fromPosition, int toPosition) {
if (fraction < 0.4f) {
card.zIndex = 1f + 0.01f * fromPosition;
} else {
card.zIndex = 1f + 0.01f * toPosition;
public void transformInterpolatedAnimation(CardItem card, float fraction, int cardWidth, int cardHeight, int fromPosition, int toPosition) {