An extensible and multiplatform routing system powered by Ktor
Kotlin Routing
A multiplatform, extensible and independent “navigation” routing library powered by Ktor. Create routing independent and extend to what you need.
val router = routing {
route(path = "/login") {
// handle {} is generic for any routing event (pop, push, replace, replaceAll...)
handle {
val application = call.application
val routeMethod = call.routeMethod (RouteMethod.Pop, RouteMethod.Push, RouteMethod.Replace, RouteMethod.ReplaceAll)
val uri = call.uri
val attributes = call.attributes // Always empty by default
val parameters = call.parameters // All in one (path parameters ({...}) + routing parameters (push(parameters = ...)) + query parameters ("/path?q=search&name=routing"))
// Here is your time
// Are you on Android? Do your Intent or finish your Activity
// Are you on Desktop? Use your Stack based navigation and navigate
// Are you on iOS? Do your navigation like using UINavigationController
// Are you on Web? Push, replace or pop your history state
// And to route do:
router.push(path = "/login")
Declaring routes
Based on Ktor Routing
val router = routing {
// name is optional and used to named navigation
route(path = "/path", name = "path") {
handle {
// handle any routing action to this route (pop, push, replace, ...)
// name is optional and used to named navigation
route(path = "/path2", name = "path2") {
push {
// handle push to this route only
replace {
// handle replace to this route only
replaceAll {
// handle replaceAll to this route only
pop {
// handle pop to this route only
// handle is short version to combine route { handle{} }
handle(path = "/path3", name = "path3") {
// handle any routing action to this route (pop, push, replace, ...)
// push is short version to combine route { push{} }
push(path = "/path4", name = "path4") {
// handle push to this route only
// push is short version to combine route { replace{} }
replace(path = "/path5", name = "path5") {
// handle replace to this route only
// push is short version to combine route { replaceAll{} }
replaceAll(path = "/path6", name = "path6") {
// handle replaceAll to this route only
// pop is short version to combine route { pop{} }
// pop can not be named
pop(path = "/path7") {
// handle pop to this route only
// If you need redirect one route to another do:
route|handle|push|replace|replaceAll|pop(...) {
redirectToPath(path = "/path-destination")
// or
redirectToName(name = "destination-name")
// If you need a route Regex based do:
route|handle|push|replace|replaceAll|pop(path = Regex()) {
// ...
Routing routes
There is no behavior in Ktor for that
val router = routing {
// ...
// Pushing a path
router.push(path = "/path")
// Pushing a path with parameters
router.push(path = "/path", parameters = parametersOf("number", "123"))
// Pushing a name
router.pushNamed(name = "name")
// Pushing a name with parameters
router.pushNamed(name = "name", parameters = parametersOf("number", "123"))
// Pushing a name with parameters and path parameters ("/path/{id}")
name = "name",
pathParameters = parametersOf("id", "456"), // It will be used to do a replace in the path
parameters = parametersOf("number", "123"),
// Replacing or replacing all works the same as push but 'replace' instead push :D
// Popping the last pushed or replaced route
// Popping the last pushed or replaced route with parameters
router.pop(parameters = parametersOf("number", "123"))
Type-safe routing
Based on Ktor Type-safe routing
First you have to put module
as a dependency
class Articles {
class New(val parent: Articles = Articles())
class Id(val parent: Articles = Articles(), val id: Long) {
class Edit(val parent: Id)
val router = routing {
push<Articles.New> {
// handle push to this route only
replace<Articles> {
// handle replace to this route only
replaceAll<Articles> {
// handle replaceAll to this route only
// There is no use case for type-safe pop handler. Maybe in the future?
// Pushing a typed route
// Replacing a typed route
// Pushing or Replacing a typed route with parameters
router.push|replace|replaceAll(Articles.Id(id = 123))
// Popping the last pushed or replaced route
Exception routing handler
Based on Ktor Status pages
First you have to put module
as a dependency
val router = routing {
install(StatusPages) {
// Catch any exception (change to be specific if you need)
exception<Throwable> { call, cause ->
// exception handled during push, replace or pop routing
push(path = "/path") {
throw IllegalArgumentException("simulating an exception thrown on routing")
// Pushing to simulate
router.push(path = "/path")
Next steps
[ ] – Helper functions for each platform (Android, iOS, Web, Desktop, …)
[ ] – Support query parameters from external URI as Deep Link, Browser URL, etc
[ ] – More plugins like Session, CallLogging, etc
[ ] – Samples