An app allows the users to get top news about their countries

News App

This app allows the users to get top news about their countries. In the following figure, you can find the developed architecture:

App consists in two main screens: one for showing the new´s list and another for displaying a new´s details.

News Screen

In this screen, the user can see the top news from his country. To get their countries, app will get his location through FuseLocation. Before retrieveing user´s location, app will ask him to grant location permissions, so, If user rejects granting permissions, it will fetch US top news. News are stored in a room database and they will be refreshed each day. Additionally, News are fetched from the NewApi.

New´s Details Screen

When user taps in a new, app will display a new screen where it shows more information about the desired new. Image will be loaded via Glide.

Getting Started

In this section you can find Instructions for how to get a copy of the project running on your local machine.


- Android studio 4.2
- Gradle 6.7.1


Step by step explanation of how to get a dev environment running.

1. Clone or download project.
2. Create a file in the root directory of the project.
3. Get an API key from NewsApi and save it under "NEWS_API" name: NEWS_API="".
4. Get an API key from NewsApi and save it under "OPEN_WEATHER_API" name: OPEN_WEATHER_API="".



Built With

  • News Api – API for retrieving news from different countries.
  • Open Weather API – API for fetching the weather from different countries.
  • Reverse Geocoding – API for getting user country passing his location.

