An Android library to make sync on Google Cloud Storage easier

gCloud Storage Utils

An Android library to make sync on Google Cloud Storage easier.
Currently it only supports image uploads.


implementation "com.evolve:gcloud-storage-utils:1.0.2"


// build the `AuthInfo` for upload 
val list = mutableListOf<String>()
        list.add("Url 1")
        list.add("Url 2")
        list.add("Url 3")
        var disposable = Flowable.fromIterable(list)
                .flatMap { count ->
                    val gcsMetaData = GCSMetaInfo.Builder().apply {
                        bucketName = Constants.BUCKET_NAME // GCS google cloud buckey
                        serviceConfig =  // GCS auth config file.
                        this.gcsStoragePath = getGCSStoragePath()
                        imageMetaInfo = GCSMetaInfo.ImageMetaInfo().apply {
                            this.imagePath = "image path"
                            this.mediaType ="media type" //GCSMetaInfo.ImageMetaInfo.TYPE_JPEG
                            this.metadata = imageExtraParams.toString()
                            compressLevel = 80 ("Compression ratio") // default value is 100
                            compressFormat = Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG //default value is Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG
                            waterMarkInfo= // default value is null , GCSMetaInfo.WaterMarkInfo.EMPTY()
                    return@flatMap uploadImageGCS(gcsMetaData)
                .doOnNext {
                    print("next on call $it")

                    println("Progress: $it")

                }, {
                    println("Image error: ${it.localizedMessage}")
                    println("image error stacktrace: ${it.printStackTrace()}:")
                    progressBar.visibility = View.GONE
                }, {
                    progressBar.visibility = View.GONE
// consume the request object as you wish to

Have a look at the sample code included in the project as well.


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