An Android library for displaying round seek bar view
GaugeSeekBar is an Android library for displaying round seek bar view.
How to use
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile(group: 'tenclouds', name: 'gaugeseekbar', version: '1.0.1', ext: 'aar')
Available XML attributes
Attribute name | Format | Description |
startAngleDegrees | float | Angle between |
thumbRadius | dimension | Radius of default thumb drawable, 11dp by default |
thumbDrawable | reference | Custom thumb drawable to be used instead of default thumb drawable. |
showThumb | boolean | When set to "false" thumb is not shown, "true" by default. |
thumbColor | color | Default thumb drawable color, default value is #ff6f00 |
trackGradient | color array | Array of colors used to drawn track, can be contain only one color. Contains only grey color by default. |
trackGradientPositions | reference | Array of floats between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating gradient color positions in track, has to be the same size as trackGradient. If not supplied the colors would be positioned evenly. |
showProgress | boolean | If set to false progress bar will not be drawn. True by default. |
progress | float | Float ranged between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating progress shown by the view. Any larger or smaller values will be interpreted as either 1, or 0. |
interactive | boolean | If set to true user will be able to set the progress by touch, else progress update would be only possible from code. True by default. |
trackWidth | dimension | Width of track and progress bar, 8dp by default. |
progressGradient | reference | Array of colors used to drawn track, can be contain only one color. Contains green and red colors by default. |
progressGradientPositions | reference | Array of floats between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating gradient color positions in progress, has to be the same size as progressGradient. If not supplied the colors would be positioned evenly. |
app:trackWidth="18dp" />
app:trackWidth="18dp" />
app:trackWidth="13dp" />